Health At Every Size®
Using a Health at Every Size HAES® approach to health involves prioritizing overall well-being and holistic health rather than focusing solely on weight loss or achieving a specific body size. It emphasizes self-acceptance, body respect, and intuitive eating, encouraging individuals to listen to their bodies' cues for hunger, fullness, and satisfaction. HAES® recognizes that health is multifaceted and influenced by various factors, including genetics, environment, and socioeconomic status. It promotes joyful movement and self-care practices that feel good rather than punitive exercise regimes. Central to HAES® is the idea that people of all sizes deserve respect, dignity, and access to compassionate healthcare, free from weight-based discrimination and stigma. It advocates for creating supportive environments that foster body diversity and promote health equity for all individuals.
Read more about HAES® on the Association for Size Diversity and Health: https://asdah.org/haes/